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CSRD Update: 29 June 2016

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Hey there! Today's update marks the (almost) completion of our move.

Provided below is the detailed changeset.

Server hardware changes:

  • Due to our previous server host closing its doors, a different provider is hosting the server. We are now hosted in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States.

Internal changes:

  • A major overhaul of the server's directory structure. The SRCDS instance now runs under its own UID, which prevents it from accessing non-game related content. It also cannot be directly logged into.
    • Previously, one user login had access to sudo (passworded), the server files, the web files, miscellaneous files, and so on. Not the most secure method!
    • This change means that if need be, I can set up additional machine-level admins.

For the World Wide Web:

  • Redesigned the front page content-wise. The landing page is a lot less wordy now.
  • To make things a lot more simple, the visible pages are now staticly generated. Dynamic content will be fetched over JavaScript instead of put onto the page. Progressive enhancement will still be important.
  • We're now using nginx for content serving. lighttpd is fantastic, but support is a tad bit iffy in some aspects (e.g., http2, acme).
    • That said, nginx was a bit more difficult to set up.
  • Switched the CSS framework to Pure CSS. The SMACSS convention makes custom theming a lot more user-friendly than the bolted-on hackjobs of workng with Min.

Things that still need doing:

  • Setting up the Let's Encrypt stuff for that sweet, sweet HTTPS.
  • Migration of the mapcycle gallery (rather, the backend script).
  • Migration of the legacy content that I've hotlinked all over the place forever ago. (Bleh.)
  • Probably other stuff, but I'm about to hit the bed, so I'll get to this later in the day.
  • Make sure that the all of the backend stuff works.
  • New mapcycle script.
  • Backups using btar.
(Up you go!)