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ID | Name | Description | Hidden | Value Type | Class |
1 | damage penalty | %s1% damage penalty | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dmg |
2 | damage bonus | +%s1% damage bonus | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dmg |
3 | clip size penalty | %s1% clip size | false | value_is_percentage | mult_clipsize |
4 | clip size bonus | +%s1% clip size | false | value_is_percentage | mult_clipsize |
5 | fire rate penalty | %s1% slower firing speed | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_postfiredelay |
6 | fire rate bonus | +%s1% faster firing speed | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_postfiredelay |
7 | heal rate penalty | %s1% heal rate | false | value_is_percentage | mult_medigun_healrate |
8 | heal rate bonus | +%s1% heal rate | false | value_is_percentage | mult_medigun_healrate |
9 | ubercharge rate penalty | %s1% ÜberCharge rate | false | value_is_percentage | mult_medigun_uberchargerate |
10 | ubercharge rate bonus | +%s1% ÜberCharge rate | false | value_is_percentage | mult_medigun_uberchargerate |
11 | overheal bonus | +%s1% max overheal | false | value_is_percentage | mult_medigun_overheal_amount |
12 | overheal decay penalty | %s1% shorter overheal time | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_medigun_overheal_decay |
13 | overheal decay bonus | +%s1% longer overheal time | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_medigun_overheal_decay |
14 | overheal decay disabled | Overheal bonus doesn't decay | false | value_is_percentage | mult_medigun_overheal_decay |
15 | crit mod disabled | No random critical hits | false | value_is_percentage | mult_crit_chance |
16 | heal on hit for rapidfire | On Hit: Gain up to +%s1 health | false | value_is_additive | add_onhit_addhealth |
17 | add uber charge on hit | On Hit: %s1% ÜberCharge added | false | value_is_additive_percentage | add_onhit_ubercharge |
18 | medigun charge is crit boost | ÜberCharge grants 100% critical chance | false | value_is_additive | set_charge_type |
19 | tmp dmgbuff on hit | On Hit: +%s1% damage bonus | false | value_is_additive_percentage | addperc_ondmgdone_tmpbuff |
20 | crit vs burning players | 100% critical hit vs burning players | false | value_is_or | or_crit_vs_playercond |
21 | dmg penalty vs nonburning | %s1% damage vs non-burning players | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dmg_vs_nonburning |
22 | no crit vs nonburning | No critical hits vs non-burning players | false | value_is_additive | set_nocrit_vs_nonburning |
23 | mod flamethrower push | No compression blast | false | value_is_additive | set_flamethrower_push_disabled |
24 | mod flamethrower back crit | 100% critical hits from behind | false | value_is_additive | set_flamethrower_back_crit |
25 | hidden secondary max ammo penalty | true | mult_maxammo_secondary | ||
26 | max health additive bonus | +%s1 max health on wearer | false | value_is_additive | add_maxhealth |
27 | alt-fire disabled | Attrib_AltFire_Disabled | false | value_is_additive | unimplemented_altfire_disabled |
28 | crit mod disabled hidden | No random critical hits | true | value_is_percentage | mult_crit_chance |
30 | fists have radial buff | On Kill: +50 health on nearby teammates On Kill: +10% Crit Chance on nearby teammates | false | value_is_additive | set_weapon_mode |
31 | critboost on kill | On Kill: %s1 seconds of 100% critical chance | false | value_is_additive | add_onkill_critboost_time |
32 | slow enemy on hit | On Hit: %s1% chance to slow target | false | value_is_additive_percentage | mult_onhit_enemyspeed |
33 | set cloak is feign death | Cloak Type: Feign Death. Leave a fake corpse on taking damage and temporarily gain invisibility, speed and damage resistance. | false | value_is_additive | set_weapon_mode |
34 | mult cloak meter consume rate | +%s1% cloak drain rate | false | value_is_percentage | mult_cloak_meter_consume_rate |
35 | mult cloak meter regen rate | +%s1% cloak regen rate | false | value_is_percentage | mult_cloak_meter_regen_rate |
36 | spread penalty | %s1% less accurate | false | value_is_percentage | mult_spread_scale |
37 | hidden primary max ammo bonus | true | mult_maxammo_primary | ||
38 | mod bat launches balls | Alt-Fire: Launches a ball that slows opponents | false | value_is_additive | set_weapon_mode |
39 | dmg penalty vs nonstunned | %s1% damage vs non-stunned players | false | value_is_percentage | unimplemented_mod_dmg_vs_nonstunned |
40 | zoom speed mod disabled | No move speed penalty from zoom | false | value_is_additive | unimplemented_mod_zoom_speed_disabled |
41 | sniper charge per sec | +%s1% charge rate | false | value_is_percentage | mult_sniper_charge_per_sec |
42 | sniper no headshots | No headshots | false | value_is_additive | set_weapon_mode |
43 | scattergun no reload single | true | set_scattergun_no_reload_single | ||
44 | scattergun has knockback | Knockback on the target and shooter | false | value_is_additive | set_scattergun_has_knockback |
45 | bullets per shot bonus | +%s1% bullets per shot | false | value_is_percentage | mult_bullets_per_shot |
46 | sniper zoom penalty | %s1% zoom reduction | false | value_is_percentage | mult_zoom_fov |
47 | sniper no charge | No zoom or damage charge | false | value_is_additive | unimplemented_mod_sniper_no_charge |
48 | set cloak is movement based | Cloak Type: Motion Sensitive. Alt-Fire: Turn invisible. Cannot attack while invisible. Bumping in to enemies will make you slightly visible to enemies. Cloak drain rate based on movement speed. | false | value_is_additive | set_weapon_mode |
49 | no double jump | Disables double jump | false | value_is_additive | set_scout_doublejump_disabled |
50 | absorb damage while cloaked | Absorbs %s1% damage while cloaked | false | value_is_percentage | unimplemented_absorb_dmg_while_cloaked |
51 | revolver use hit locations | Crits on headshot | false | value_is_additive | set_weapon_mode |
52 | backstab shield | Blocks a single backstab attempt | false | value_is_additive | set_blockbackstab_once |
53 | fire retardant | Wearer cannot ignite | false | value_is_additive | set_fire_retardant |
54 | move speed penalty | %s1% slower move speed on wearer | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_player_movespeed |
55 | obsolete ammo penalty | true | obsolete | ||
56 | jarate description | Coated enemies take mini-crits Can be used to extinguish fires | false | value_is_percentage | desc_jarate_description |
57 | health regen | +%s1 health regenerated per second on wearer | false | value_is_additive | add_health_regen |
58 | self dmg push force increased | +%s1% self damage force | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dmgself_push_force |
59 | self dmg push force decreased | %s1% self damage force | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dmgself_push_force |
60 | dmg taken from fire reduced | +%s1% fire damage resistance on wearer | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_dmgtaken_from_fire |
61 | dmg taken from fire increased | %s1% fire damage vulnerability on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dmgtaken_from_fire |
62 | dmg taken from crit reduced | +%s1% critical hit damage resistance on wearer | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_dmgtaken_from_crit |
63 | dmg taken from crit increased | %s1% critical hit damage vulnerability on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dmgtaken_from_crit |
64 | dmg taken from blast reduced | +%s1% explosive damage resistance on wearer | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_dmgtaken_from_explosions |
65 | dmg taken from blast increased | %s1% explosive damage vulnerability on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dmgtaken_from_explosions |
66 | dmg taken from bullets reduced | +%s1% bullet damage resistance on wearer | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_dmgtaken_from_bullets |
67 | dmg taken from bullets increased | %s1% bullet damage vulnerability on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dmgtaken_from_bullets |
68 | increase player capture value | +%s1 capture rate on wearer | false | value_is_additive | add_player_capturevalue |
69 | health from healers reduced | %s1% health from healers on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_health_fromhealers |
70 | health from healers increased | +%s1% health from healers on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_health_fromhealers |
71 | weapon burn dmg increased | +%s1% afterburn damage bonus | false | value_is_percentage | mult_wpn_burndmg |
72 | weapon burn dmg reduced | %s1% afterburn damage penalty | false | value_is_percentage | mult_wpn_burndmg |
73 | weapon burn time increased | +%s1% afterburn duration | false | value_is_percentage | mult_wpn_burntime |
74 | weapon burn time reduced | %s1% afterburn duration | false | value_is_percentage | mult_wpn_burntime |
75 | aiming movespeed increased | +%s1% faster move speed while deployed | false | value_is_percentage | mult_player_aiming_movespeed |
76 | maxammo primary increased | +%s1% max primary ammo on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_maxammo_primary |
77 | maxammo primary reduced | %s1% max primary ammo on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_maxammo_primary |
78 | maxammo secondary increased | +%s1% max secondary ammo on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_maxammo_secondary |
79 | maxammo secondary reduced | %s1% max secondary ammo on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_maxammo_secondary |
80 | maxammo metal increased | +%s1% max metal on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_maxammo_metal |
81 | maxammo metal reduced | %s1% max metal on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_maxammo_metal |
82 | cloak consume rate increased | -%s1% cloak duration | false | value_is_percentage | mult_cloak_meter_consume_rate |
83 | cloak consume rate decreased | +%s1% cloak duration | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_cloak_meter_consume_rate |
84 | cloak regen rate increased | +%s1% cloak regeneration rate | false | value_is_percentage | mult_cloak_meter_regen_rate |
85 | cloak regen rate decreased | %s1% cloak regeneration rate | false | value_is_percentage | mult_cloak_meter_regen_rate |
86 | minigun spinup time increased | %s1% slower spin up time | false | value_is_percentage | mult_minigun_spinup_time |
87 | minigun spinup time decreased | %s1% faster spin up time | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_minigun_spinup_time |
88 | max pipebombs increased | +%s1 max stickybombs out | false | value_is_additive | add_max_pipebombs |
89 | max pipebombs decreased | %s1 max stickybombs out | false | value_is_additive | add_max_pipebombs |
90 | SRifle Charge rate increased | %s1% faster power charge | false | value_is_percentage | mult_sniper_charge_per_sec |
91 | SRifle Charge rate decreased | %s1% slower power charge | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_sniper_charge_per_sec |
92 | Construction rate increased | Construction hit speed boost increased by %s1% | false | value_is_percentage | mult_construction_value |
93 | Construction rate decreased | Construction hit speed boost decreased by %s1% | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_construction_value |
94 | Repair rate increased | %s1% faster repair rate | false | value_is_percentage | mult_repair_value |
95 | Repair rate decreased | %s1% slower repair rate | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_repair_value |
96 | Reload time increased | %s1% slower reload time | false | value_is_percentage | mult_reload_time |
97 | Reload time decreased | %s1% faster reload time | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_reload_time |
98 | selfdmg on hit for rapidfire | On Hit: %s1 health | false | value_is_additive | add_onhit_addhealth |
99 | Blast radius increased | +%s1% explosion radius | false | value_is_percentage | mult_explosion_radius |
100 | Blast radius decreased | %s1% explosion radius | false | value_is_percentage | mult_explosion_radius |
101 | Projectile range increased | +%s1% projectile range | false | value_is_percentage | mult_projectile_range |
102 | Projectile range decreased | %s1% projectile range | false | value_is_percentage | mult_projectile_range |
103 | Projectile speed increased | +%s1% projectile speed | false | value_is_percentage | mult_projectile_speed |
104 | Projectile speed decreased | %s1% projectile speed | false | value_is_percentage | mult_projectile_speed |
105 | overheal penalty | %s1% max overheal | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_medigun_overheal_amount |
106 | weapon spread bonus | %s1% more accurate | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_spread_scale |
107 | move speed bonus | +%s1% faster move speed on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_player_movespeed |
108 | health from packs increased | +%s1% health from packs on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_health_frompacks |
109 | health from packs decreased | %s1% health from packs on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_health_frompacks |
110 | heal on hit for slowfire | On Hit: Gain up to +%s1 health | false | value_is_additive | add_onhit_addhealth |
111 | selfdmg on hit for slowfire | On Hit: %s1 health | false | value_is_additive | add_onhit_addhealth |
112 | ammo regen | +%s1% ammo regenerated every 5 seconds on wearer | false | value_is_additive_percentage | addperc_ammo_regen |
113 | metal regen | +%s1 metal regenerated every 5 seconds on wearer | false | value_is_additive | add_metal_regen |
114 | mod mini-crit airborne | Mini-crits targets launched airborne by explosions, grapple hooks or rocket packs | false | value_is_additive | mini_crit_airborne |
115 | mod shovel damage boost | Damage increases as the user becomes injured | false | value_is_additive | set_weapon_mode |
116 | mod soldier buff type | true | set_buff_type | ||
117 | dmg falloff increased | Attrib_Dmg_Falloff_Increased | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_dmg_falloff |
118 | dmg falloff decreased | %s1% splash damage fall off | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dmg_falloff |
119 | sticky detonate mode | Detonates stickybombs near the crosshair and directly under your feet | false | value_is_additive | set_detonate_mode |
120 | sticky arm time penalty | %s1 sec slower bomb arm time | false | value_is_additive | sticky_arm_time |
121 | stickies detonate stickies | Able to destroy enemy stickybombs | false | value_is_additive | stickies_detonate_stickies |
122 | mod demo buff type | true | set_buff_type | ||
123 | speed boost when active | %s1% speed boost while active weapon | false | value_is_percentage | mult_move_speed_when_active |
124 | mod wrench builds minisentry | Replaces the Sentry with a Mini-Sentry | false | value_is_additive | wrench_builds_minisentry |
125 | max health additive penalty | %s1 max health on wearer | false | value_is_additive | add_maxhealth |
126 | sticky arm time bonus | %s1 sec faster bomb arm time | false | value_is_additive | sticky_arm_time |
127 | sticky air burst mode | Launched bombs shatter on surfaces | false | value_is_additive | set_detonate_mode |
128 | provide on active | When weapon is active: | false | value_is_additive | provide_on_active |
129 | health drain | %s1 health drained per second on wearer | false | value_is_additive | add_health_regen |
130 | medic regen bonus | +%s1% natural regen rate | false | value_is_percentage | medic_regen |
131 | medic regen penalty | -%s1% natural regen rate | false | value_is_percentage | medic_regen |
132 | community description | Given to valuable Community Contributors | true | value_is_percentage | desc_community_description |
133 | soldier model index | Medal no. %s1 | false | value_is_additive | desc_soldiermedal_index |
134 | attach particle effect | ★ Unusual Effect: %s1 | false | value_is_particle_index | set_attached_particle |
135 | rocket jump damage reduction | %s1% blast damage from rocket jumps | false | value_is_percentage | rocket_jump_dmg_reduction |
136 | mod sentry killed revenge | Gain 2 revenge crits for each sentry kill and 1 for each sentry assist when your sentry is destroyed | false | value_is_additive | sentry_killed_revenge |
137 | dmg bonus vs buildings | +%s1% damage vs buildings | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dmg_vs_buildings |
138 | dmg penalty vs players | %s1% damage vs players | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dmg_vs_players |
139 | lunchbox adds maxhealth bonus | Adds +50 max health for 30 seconds | false | value_is_additive | set_weapon_mode |
140 | hidden maxhealth non buffed | +%s1 max health on wearer | true | value_is_additive | add_maxhealth_nonbuffed |
141 | selfmade description | I made this! | true | value_is_percentage | desc_selfmade_description |
142 | set item tint RGB | Item tint color code: %s1 | true | value_is_additive | set_item_tint_rgb |
143 | custom employee number | Hire Date: %s1 | false | value_is_date | set_employee_number |
144 | lunchbox adds minicrits | Sets weapon mode #%s1 | true | value_is_additive | set_weapon_mode |
145 | taunt is highfive | true | enable_misc2_highfive | ||
146 | damage applies to sappers | Damage removes Sappers | false | value_is_additive | set_dmg_apply_to_sapper |
147 | Wrench index | Wrench no. %s1 | false | value_is_additive | desc_wrench_index |
148 | building cost reduction | %s1 metal reduction in building cost | false | value_is_percentage | building_cost_reduction |
149 | bleeding duration | On Hit: Bleed for %s1 seconds | false | value_is_additive | bleeding_duration |
150 | turn to gold | Imbued with an ancient power | false | value_is_additive | set_turn_to_gold |
151 | DEPRECATED socketed item definition id DEPRECATED | Attrib_Socket | false | value_is_additive | socketed_item_definition_id |
152 | custom texture lo | true | custom_texture_lo | ||
153 | cannot trade | Not Tradable or Marketable | true | value_is_additive | cannot_trade |
154 | disguise on backstab | Upon a successful backstab against a human target, you rapidly disguise as your victim | false | value_is_additive | set_disguise_on_backstab |
155 | cannot disguise | Wearer cannot disguise | false | value_is_additive | set_cannot_disguise |
156 | silent killer | Silent Killer: No attack noise from backstabs | false | value_is_additive | set_silent_killer |
157 | disguise speed penalty | %s1 sec slower disguise speed | false | value_is_additive | disguise_speed_penalty |
158 | add cloak on kill | +%s1% cloak on kill | false | value_is_additive | add_cloak_on_kill |
159 | SET BONUS: cloak blink time penalty | %s1 sec longer cloak blink time | false | value_is_additive | cloak_blink_time_penalty |
160 | SET BONUS: quiet unstealth | Reduced decloak sound volume | false | value_is_additive | set_quiet_unstealth |
161 | flame size penalty | %s1% less flame spread area | false | value_is_percentage | mult_flame_size |
162 | flame size bonus | +%s1% more flame spread area | false | value_is_percentage | mult_flame_size |
163 | flame life penalty | %s1% less flame distance | false | value_is_percentage | mult_flame_life |
164 | flame life bonus | +%s1% more flame distance | false | value_is_percentage | mult_flame_life |
165 | charged airblast | Airblast can now be charged, which will push enemies further | false | value_is_additive | set_charged_airblast |
166 | add cloak on hit | +%s1% cloak on hit | false | value_is_additive | add_cloak_on_hit |
167 | disguise damage reduction | Attrib_DisguiseDamageReduction | false | value_is_percentage | disguise_damage_reduction |
168 | disguise no burn | Immune to fire damage while disguised | false | value_is_additive | disguise_no_burn |
169 | SET BONUS: dmg from sentry reduced | +%s1% sentry damage resistance on wearer | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | dmg_from_sentry_reduced |
170 | airblast cost increased | +%s1% airblast cost | false | value_is_percentage | mult_airblast_cost |
171 | airblast cost decreased | %s1% airblast cost | false | value_is_percentage | mult_airblast_cost |
172 | purchased | Purchased: Not Tradable, Marketable, or Usable in Crafting | true | value_is_additive | purchased |
173 | flame ammopersec increased | +%s1% flamethrower ammo consumed per second | false | value_is_percentage | mult_flame_ammopersec |
174 | flame ammopersec decreased | %s1% flamethrower ammo consumed per second | false | value_is_percentage | mult_flame_ammopersec |
175 | jarate duration | On Scoped Hit: Apply Jarate for 2 to %s1 seconds based on charge level. Nature's Call: Scoped headshots always mini-crit and reduce the remaining cooldown of Jarate by 1 second. | false | value_is_additive | jarate_duration |
176 | SET BONUS: no death from headshots | The wearer cannot be killed by headshots | false | value_is_additive | no_death_from_headshots |
177 | deploy time increased | %s1% longer weapon switch | false | value_is_percentage | mult_deploy_time |
178 | deploy time decreased | %s1% faster weapon switch | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_deploy_time |
179 | minicrits become crits | Crits whenever it would normally mini-crit | false | value_is_additive | minicrits_become_crits |
180 | heal on kill | +%s1 health restored on kill | false | value_is_additive | heal_on_kill |
181 | no self blast dmg | No self inflicted blast damage taken | false | value_is_additive | no_self_blast_dmg |
182 | slow enemy on hit major | On Hit: Slow target movement by 40% for %s1s | false | value_is_additive | mult_onhit_enemyspeed_major |
183 | aiming movespeed decreased | %s1% slower move speed while deployed | false | value_is_percentage | mult_player_aiming_movespeed |
184 | duel loser account id | Attrib_DuelLoserAccountID | false | value_is_account_id | duel_loser_account_id |
185 | event date | Date Received: %s1 | true | value_is_date | event_date |
186 | gifter account id | Gift from: %s1 | true | value_is_account_id | gifter_account_id |
187 | set supply crate series | Crate Series #%s1 | false | value_is_additive | supply_crate_series |
188 | preserve ubercharge | On death up to %s1% of your stored ÜberCharge is retained | false | value_is_additive | preserve_ubercharge |
189 | elevate quality | true | set_elevated_quality | ||
190 | active health regen | +%s1 health regenerated per second on wearer | false | value_is_additive | active_item_health_regen |
191 | active health degen | %s1 health drained per second on wearer | false | value_is_additive | active_item_health_regen |
192 | referenced item id low | true | referenced_item_id_low | ||
193 | referenced item id high | true | referenced_item_id_high | ||
194 | referenced item def UPDATED | Contains: %s1 | true | value_is_item_def | referenced_item_def |
195 | always tradable | Always Tradable | true | value_is_additive | always_tradable |
196 | noise maker | Noise Maker | true | value_is_additive | enable_misc2_noisemaker |
197 | halloween item | This is a special Halloween %s1 item | false | value_is_additive | halloween_item |
198 | collection bits DEPRECATED | true | collection_bits_DEPRECATED | ||
199 | switch from wep deploy time decreased | This weapon holsters %s1% faster | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_switch_from_wep_deploy_time |
200 | enables aoe heal | Alt-Fire: Applies a healing effect to all nearby teammates | false | value_is_additive | enables_aoe_heal |
201 | gesture speed increase | +%s1% faster taunt speed on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_gesture_time |
202 | charge time increased | %s1 sec increase in charge duration | false | value_is_additive | mod_charge_time |
203 | drop health pack on kill | On Kill: A small health pack is dropped | false | value_is_additive | drop_health_pack_on_kill |
204 | hit self on miss | On Miss: Hit yourself. Idiot. | false | value_is_additive | hit_self_on_miss |
205 | dmg from ranged reduced | %s1% damage from ranged sources while active | false | value_is_percentage | dmg_from_ranged |
206 | dmg from melee increased | +%s1% damage from melee sources while active | false | value_is_percentage | dmg_from_melee |
207 | blast dmg to self increased | +%s1% damage to self | false | value_is_percentage | blast_dmg_to_self |
208 | Set DamageType Ignite | On Hit: target is engulfed in flames | false | value_is_additive | set_dmgtype_ignite |
209 | minicrit vs burning player | 100% mini-crits vs burning players | false | value_is_additive | or_minicrit_vs_playercond_burning |
211 | tradable after date | Tradable After: %s1 | true | value_is_date | tradable_after_date |
212 | force level display | true | force_level_display | ||
214 | kill eater | true | kill_eater | ||
215 | apply z velocity on damage | true | apply_z_velocity_on_damage | ||
216 | apply look velocity on damage | true | apply_look_velocity_on_damage | ||
217 | sanguisuge | On Backstab: Absorbs the health from your victim | false | value_is_additive | sanguisuge |
218 | mark for death | On Hit: One target at a time is Marked-For-Death, causing all damage taken to be mini-crits | false | value_is_additive | mark_for_death |
219 | decapitate type | true | decapitate_type | ||
220 | restore health on kill | Gain %s1% of base health on kill | false | value_is_additive | restore_health_on_kill |
221 | mult decloak rate | Attrib_DecloakRate | false | value_is_additive | mult_decloak_rate |
222 | mult sniper charge after bodyshot | On Scoped Bodyshot: Rifle charge rate increased by %s1% | false | value_is_percentage | mult_sniper_charge_after_bodyshot |
223 | mult sniper charge after miss | On Scoped Miss: Rifle charge rate decreased by %s1% | false | value_is_percentage | mult_sniper_charge_after_miss |
224 | dmg bonus while half dead | %s1% increase in damage when health <50% of max | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dmg_bonus_while_half_dead |
225 | dmg penalty while half alive | %s1% decrease in damage when health >50% of max | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dmg_penalty_while_half_alive |
226 | honorbound | Honorbound: Once drawn sheathing deals 50 damage to yourself unless it kills | false | value_is_additive | honorbound |
227 | custom texture hi | true | custom_texture_hi | ||
228 | makers mark id | Crafted by %s1 | true | value_is_account_id | makers_mark_id |
229 | unique craft index | true | unique_craft_index | ||
230 | mod medic killed revenge | When the medic healing you is killed you gain 2 revenge crits | false | value_is_additive | medic_killed_revenge |
231 | medigun charge is megaheal | ÜberCharge increases healing to 300% and grants immunity to movement-impairing effects | false | value_is_additive | set_charge_type |
232 | mod medic killed minicrit boost | When the medic healing you is killed you gain mini-crit boost for %s1 seconds | false | value_is_additive | medic_killed_minicrit_boost |
233 | mod medic healed damage bonus | While a medic is healing you, this weapon's damage is increased by %s1% | false | value_is_percentage | medic_healed_damage_bonus |
234 | mod medic healed deploy time penalty | While not being healed by a medic, your weapon switch time is %s1% longer | false | value_is_percentage | mod_medic_healed_deploy_time |
235 | mod shovel speed boost | Move speed increases as the user becomes injured | false | value_is_additive | set_weapon_mode |
236 | mod weapon blocks healing | Blocks healing while in use | false | value_is_additive | weapon_blocks_healing |
237 | mult sniper charge after headshot | On Scoped Headshot: Rifle charge rate increased by %s1% | false | value_is_percentage | mult_sniper_charge_after_headshot |
238 | minigun no spin sounds | Silent Killer: No barrel spin sound | false | value_is_additive | minigun_no_spin_sounds |
239 | ubercharge rate bonus for healer | +%s1% ÜberCharge rate for the medic healing you This effect does not work in the respawn room | false | value_is_percentage | mult_uberchargerate_for_healer |
240 | reload time decreased while healed | %s1% faster reload time while being healed | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_reload_time_while_healed |
241 | reload time increased hidden | %s1% slower reload time | true | value_is_percentage | mult_reload_time_hidden |
242 | mod medic killed marked for death | When the medic healing you is killed the killer becomes Marked-For-Death | false | value_is_additive | medic_killed_marked_for_death |
243 | mod rage on hit penalty | %s1% rage lost on hit | false | value_is_additive | rage_on_hit |
244 | mod rage on hit bonus | %s1% rage gained on hit | false | value_is_additive | rage_on_hit |
245 | mod rage damage boost | Gains a damage bonus as rage increases, up to %s1% | false | value_is_percentage | rage_damage |
246 | mult charge turn control | +%s1% increase in turning control while charging | false | value_is_percentage | charge_turn_control |
247 | no charge impact range | Can deal charge impact damage at any range | false | value_is_additive | no_charge_impact_range |
248 | charge impact damage increased | +%s1% increase in charge impact damage | false | value_is_percentage | charge_impact_damage |
249 | charge recharge rate increased | +%s1% increase in charge recharge rate | false | value_is_percentage | charge_recharge_rate |
250 | air dash count | Grants Triple Jump while deployed. Melee attacks mini-crit while airborne. | false | value_is_additive | air_dash_count |
251 | speed buff ally | On Hit Teammate: Boosts both players' speed for several seconds | false | value_is_additive | speed_buff_ally |
252 | damage force reduction | %s1% reduction in push force taken from damage | false | value_is_percentage | damage_force_reduction |
253 | mult cloak rate | %s1 sec increase in time to cloak | false | value_is_additive | mult_cloak_rate |
255 | airblast pushback scale | +%s1% airblast push force | false | value_is_percentage | airblast_pushback_scale |
256 | mult airblast refire time | true | mult_airblast_refire_time | ||
257 | airblast vertical pushback scale | true | airblast_vertical_pushback_scale | ||
258 | ammo becomes health | Ammo collected from ammo boxes becomes health | false | value_is_additive | ammo_becomes_health |
259 | boots falling stomp | Deals 3x falling damage to the player you land on | false | value_is_additive | boots_falling_stomp |
260 | deflection size multiplier | Attrib_DeflectionSizeMultiplier | false | value_is_additive | deflection_size_multiplier |
261 | set item tint RGB 2 | Item tint color code: %s1 | true | value_is_additive | set_item_tint_rgb_2 |
262 | saxxy award category | Winner: %s1 %s2 | true | value_is_additive | saxxy_award_category |
263 | melee bounds multiplier | true | melee_bounds_multiplier | ||
264 | melee range multiplier | true | melee_range_multiplier | ||
265 | mod mini-crit airborne deploy | false | value_is_additive | mini_crit_airborne_deploy | |
266 | projectile penetration | Projectiles penetrate enemy players | false | value_is_additive | projectile_penetration |
267 | mod crit while airborne | Deals crits while the wielder is rocket jumping | false | value_is_additive | crit_while_airborne |
268 | mult sniper charge penalty DISPLAY ONLY | Base charge rate decreased by %s1% | false | value_is_percentage | mult_sniper_charge_base_dummy |
269 | mod see enemy health | Allows you to see enemy health | false | value_is_additive | see_enemy_health |
270 | powerup max charges | Holds a maximum of %s1 charges | false | value_is_additive | powerup_max_charges |
271 | powerup charges | Currently holds %s1 charges | false | value_is_additive | powerup_charges |
272 | powerup duration | Each charge lasts %s1 seconds | false | value_is_additive | powerup_duration |
273 | critboost | Consumable: Become Crit Boosted for 5 seconds (and double your sentry's firing speed) | false | value_is_additive | critboost |
274 | ubercharge | Consumable: Become Übercharged for 5 seconds (and shield your sentry from damage) | false | value_is_additive | ubercharge |
275 | cancel falling damage | Wearer never takes falling damage | false | value_is_additive | cancel_falling_damage |
276 | bidirectional teleport | Teleporters can be used in both directions | false | value_is_additive | bidirectional_teleport |
277 | multiple sentries | Attrib_MultipleSentries | false | value_is_additive | multiple_sentries |
278 | effect bar recharge rate increased | +%s1% increase in recharge rate | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | effectbar_recharge_rate |
279 | maxammo grenades1 increased | +%s1% max misc ammo on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_maxammo_grenades1 |
280 | override projectile type | false | value_is_additive | override_projectile_type | |
281 | energy weapon no ammo | Does not require ammo | false | value_is_additive | energy_weapon_no_ammo |
282 | energy weapon charged shot | Alt-Fire: A charged shot that mini-crits players, sets them on fire and disables buildings for 4 sec | false | value_is_additive | energy_weapon_charged_shot |
283 | energy weapon penetration | Projectile penetrates enemy targets | false | value_is_additive | energy_weapon_penetration |
284 | energy weapon no hurt building | Deals only 20% damage to buildings | false | value_is_additive | energy_weapon_no_hurt_building |
285 | energy weapon no deflect | Projectile cannot be deflected | false | value_is_additive | energy_weapon_no_deflect |
286 | engy building health bonus | +%s1% max building health | false | value_is_percentage | mult_engy_building_health |
287 | engy sentry damage bonus | +%s1% Sentry Gun damage bonus | false | value_is_percentage | mult_engy_sentry_damage |
288 | no crit boost | Cannot be crit boosted | false | value_is_additive | no_crit_boost |
289 | centerfire projectile | true | centerfire_projectile | ||
292 | kill eater score type | true | kill_eater_score_type | ||
293 | kill eater score type 2 | true | kill_eater_score_type_2 | ||
294 | kill eater 2 | true | kill_eater_2 | ||
295 | has pipboy build interface | true | set_custom_buildmenu | ||
296 | sapper kills collect crits | Gives one guaranteed critical hit for each building destroyed with your sapper attached or backstab kill | false | value_is_additive | sapper_kills_collect_crits |
297 | sniper only fire zoomed | Cannot fire unless zoomed | false | value_is_additive | sniper_only_fire_zoomed |
298 | mod ammo per shot | Per Shot: -%s1 ammo | false | value_is_additive | mod_ammo_per_shot |
299 | add onhit addammo | On Hit: damage dealt is returned as ammo | false | value_is_additive | add_onhit_addammo |
300 | electrical airblast DISPLAY ONLY | Alt-Fire: Launches a projectile-consuming energy ball. Costs 65 metal. | false | value_is_additive_percentage | electrical_airblast_DISPLAY_ONLY |
301 | mod use metal ammo type | Uses metal for ammo | false | value_is_additive | mod_use_metal_ammo_type |
302 | expiration date | This item will expire on %s1. | true | value_is_date | expiration_date |
303 | mod max primary clip override | true | mod_max_primary_clip_override | ||
304 | sniper full charge damage bonus | On Full Charge: +%s1% damage per shot | false | value_is_percentage | sniper_full_charge_damage_bonus |
305 | sniper fires tracer | Fires tracer rounds | false | value_is_additive | sniper_fires_tracer |
306 | sniper no headshot without full charge | No headshots when not fully charged | false | value_is_additive | sniper_no_headshot_without_full_charge |
307 | mod no reload DISPLAY ONLY | No reload necessary | false | value_is_additive | mod_no_reload_display_only |
308 | sniper penetrate players when charged | On Full Charge: Projectiles penetrate players | false | value_is_additive | sniper_penetrate_players_when_charged |
309 | crit kill will gib | Killing an enemy with a critical hit will dismember your victim. Painfully. | false | value_is_additive | crit_kill_will_gib |
310 | recall | Consumable: Instantly teleport to spawn | false | value_is_additive | recall |
311 | unlimited quantity | Unlimited use | false | value_is_additive | unlimited_quantity |
312 | disable weapon hiding for animations | true | disable_weapon_hiding_for_animations | ||
313 | applies snare effect | %s1% movement speed on targets | true | value_is_percentage | applies_snare_effect |
314 | uber duration bonus | Über duration increased %s1 seconds | false | value_is_additive | add_uber_time |
315 | refill_ammo | Consumable: Instantly refill all weapon clips and ammo | false | value_is_additive | refill_ammo |
317 | store sort override DEPRECATED | true | store_sort_override_DEPRECATED | ||
318 | faster reload rate | +%s1% faster reload time | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | fast_reload |
319 | increase buff duration | +%s1% buff duration | false | value_is_percentage | mod_buff_duration |
320 | robo sapper | Increased robot Sapper radius and duration | false | value_is_additive | robo_sapper |
321 | build rate bonus | +%s1% faster build speed | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mod_build_rate |
322 | taunt is press and hold | true | enable_misc2_holdtaunt | ||
323 | attack projectiles | Bullets destroy rockets and grenades in-flight. Increased accuracy and frequency per-level. | false | value_is_additive | attack_projectiles |
324 | accuracy scales damage | Accuracy scales damage | false | value_is_percentage | accuracy_scales_damage |
325 | currency bonus | +%s1% bonus currency from packs | false | value_is_percentage | currency_bonus |
326 | increased jump height | +%s1% greater jump height when active | false | value_is_percentage | mod_jump_height |
327 | building instant upgrade | Consumable: Instantly upgrade all buildings to max level | false | value_is_additive | building_instant_upgrade |
328 | disable fancy class select anim | true | disable_fancy_class_select_anim | ||
329 | airblast vulnerability multiplier | %s1% reduction in airblast vulnerability | false | value_is_percentage | airblast_vulnerability_multiplier |
330 | override footstep sound set | true | override_footstep_sound_set | ||
331 | spawn with physics toy | true | spawn_with_physics_toy | ||
332 | fish damage override | true | fish_damage_override | ||
333 | SET BONUS: special dsp | true | special_dsp | ||
334 | bombinomicon effect on death | Explode spectacularly on death | false | value_is_additive | bombinomicon_effect_on_death |
335 | clip size bonus upgrade | +%s1% clip size | false | value_is_percentage | mult_clipsize_upgrade |
336 | hide enemy health | Unable to see enemy health | false | value_is_additive | hide_enemy_health |
337 | subtract victim medigun charge on hit | On Hit: Victim loses up to %s1% Medigun charge | false | value_is_additive | subtract_victim_medigun_charge_onhit |
338 | subtract victim cloak on hit | On Hit: Victim loses up to %s1% cloak | false | value_is_additive | subtract_victim_cloak_on_hit |
339 | reveal cloaked victim on hit | On Hit Spy: Reveal cloaked Spy | false | value_is_additive | reveal_cloaked_victim_on_hit |
340 | reveal disguised victim on hit | On Hit Spy: Reveal disguised Spy | false | value_is_additive | reveal_disguised_victim_on_hit |
341 | jarate backstabber | When backstabbed: Jarate attacker | false | value_is_additive | jarate_backstabber |
343 | engy sentry fire rate increased | +%s1% sentry firing speed | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_sentry_firerate |
344 | engy sentry radius increased | +%s1% sentry range | false | value_is_percentage | mult_sentry_range |
345 | engy dispenser radius increased | +%s1% dispenser range | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dispenser_radius |
346 | mod bat launches ornaments | Alt-Fire: Launches a festive ornament that shatters causing bleed | false | value_is_additive | set_weapon_mode |
347 | freeze backstab victim | Backstab turns victim to ice | false | value_is_additive | freeze_backstab_victim |
348 | fire rate penalty HIDDEN | true | mult_postfiredelay | ||
349 | energy weapon no drain | true | energy_weapon_no_drain | ||
350 | ragdolls become ash | true | ragdolls_become_ash | ||
351 | engy disposable sentries | Build +%s1 additional disposable-sentry | false | value_is_additive | engy_disposable_sentries |
352 | alt fire teleport to spawn | Press your reload key to choose to teleport to spawn or your exit teleporter | false | value_is_additive | alt_fire_teleport_to_spawn |
353 | cannot pick up buildings | Cannot carry buildings | false | value_is_additive | cannot_pick_up_buildings |
354 | stun enemies wielding same weapon | Stuns enemies who are also wielding this weapon | false | value_is_additive | stun_enemies_wielding_same_weapon |
355 | mod ammo per shot missed DISPLAY ONLY | Per Shot Missed: -%s1 ammo | false | value_is_additive | mod_ammo_per_shot_missed_DISPLAY_ONLY |
356 | airblast disabled | No airblast | false | value_is_additive | airblast_disabled |
357 | increase buff duration HIDDEN | true | mod_buff_duration | ||
358 | crit forces victim to laugh | Critical hit forces victim to laugh | false | value_is_additive | crit_forces_victim_to_laugh |
359 | melts in fire | Melts in fire, regenerates in %s1 seconds and by picking up ammo | false | value_is_additive | melts_in_fire |
360 | damage all connected | All players connected via Medigun beams are hit | false | value_is_additive | damage_all_connected |
361 | become fireproof on hit by fire | On Hit by Fire: Fireproof for 1 second and Afterburn immunity for %s1 seconds | false | value_is_additive | become_fireproof_on_hit_by_fire |
362 | crit from behind | Always critical hit from behind | false | value_is_additive | crit_from_behind |
363 | crit does no damage | Critical hits do no damage | false | value_is_additive | crit_does_no_damage |
364 | add jingle to footsteps | Jingle all the way | false | value_is_additive | add_jingle_to_footsteps |
365 | set icicle knife mode | true | set_weapon_mode | ||
366 | mod stun waist high airborne | On Hit: If enemy's belt is at or above eye level, stun them for %s1 seconds | false | value_is_additive | stun_waist_high_airborne |
367 | extinguish earns revenge crits | Alt-Fire: Extinguish teammates to gain guaranteed critical hits | false | value_is_additive | extinguish_revenge |
368 | burn damage earns rage | Build 'Mmmph' by dealing damage. Alt-Fire on full 'Mmmph': Taunt to gain crit for several seconds. Invulnerable while 'Mmmph' taunting. | false | value_is_additive | burn_damage_earns_rage |
369 | tickle enemies wielding same weapon | On Hit: Force enemies to laugh who are also wearing this item | false | value_is_additive | tickle_enemies_wielding_same_weapon |
370 | attach particle effect static | false | value_is_particle_index | set_attached_particle_static | |
371 | cosmetic taunt sound | Attrib_TauntSoundSuccess | false | value_is_additive | cosmetic_taunt_sound |
372 | accepted wedding ring account id 1 | A perpetual bond of commitment between %s1 | false | value_is_account_id | accepted_wedding_ring_account_id_1 |
373 | accepted wedding ring account id 2 | and %s1, forever and ever and ever. XoXoX | false | value_is_account_id | accepted_wedding_ring_account_id_2 |
374 | tool escrow until date | Usable After: %s1 | true | value_is_date | tool_escrow_until_date |
375 | generate rage on damage | Generate Rage by dealing damage. When fully charged, press the Special-Attack key to activate knockback. | false | value_is_additive | generate_rage_on_dmg |
376 | aiming no flinch | No flinching when aiming and fully charged | false | value_is_additive | aiming_no_flinch |
377 | aiming knockback resistance | Knockback reduced by %s1% when aiming | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_aiming_knockback_resistance |
378 | sniper aiming movespeed decreased | %s1% slower move speed when aiming | false | value_is_percentage | mult_player_aiming_movespeed |
379 | kill eater user 1 | true | kill_eater_user_1 | ||
380 | kill eater user score type 1 | true | kill_eater_user_score_type_1 | ||
381 | kill eater user 2 | true | kill_eater_user_2 | ||
382 | kill eater user score type 2 | true | kill_eater_user_score_type_2 | ||
383 | kill eater user 3 | true | kill_eater_user_3 | ||
384 | kill eater user score type 3 | true | kill_eater_user_score_type_3 | ||
385 | strange part new counter ID | true | strange_part_new_counter_id | ||
386 | mvm completed challenges bitmask | true | mvm_completed_challenges_bitmask | ||
387 | rage on kill | Gain Focus on kills and assists | false | value_is_additive | rage_on_kill |
388 | kill eater kill type | true | kill_eater_kill_type | ||
389 | shot penetrate all players | Shots go through multiple enemies | false | value_is_additive | shot_penetrate_all_players |
390 | headshot damage increase | Headshots deal an extra +%s1% damage | false | value_is_percentage | headshot_damage_modify |
391 | SET BONUS: mystery solving time decrease | Reduces mystery solving time by up to %s1% | false | value_is_percentage | mystery_solving_time_decrease |
392 | damage penalty on bodyshot | %s1% damage on body shot | false | value_is_percentage | bodyshot_damage_modify |
393 | sniper rage DISPLAY ONLY | Press 'Reload' to activate focus In Focus: +25% faster charge and no unscoping | false | value_is_additive | sniper_rage_DISPLAY_ONLY |
394 | fire rate bonus HIDDEN | true | mult_postfiredelay | ||
395 | explosive sniper shot | Increased headshot explosion radius and damage to nearby enemies | false | value_is_additive | explosive_sniper_shot |
396 | melee attack rate bonus | +%s1% faster melee attack speed | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_postfiredelay |
397 | projectile penetration heavy | Bullets penetrate +%s1 enemies | false | value_is_additive | projectile_penetration |
398 | rage on assists | Attrib_RageGainOnAssists | false | value_is_additive | rage_on_assists |
399 | armor piercing | Increase backstab damage against Giant Robots by %s1% | false | value_is_additive | armor_piercing |
400 | cannot pick up intelligence | Wearer cannot carry the intelligence briefcase or PASS Time JACK | false | value_is_additive | cannot_pick_up_intelligence |
401 | SET BONUS: chance of hunger decrease | Reduces chance of hunger by up to %s1% | false | value_is_percentage | chance_of_hunger_decrease |
402 | cannot be backstabbed | Cannot be backstabbed | false | value_is_additive | cannot_be_backstabbed |
403 | squad surplus claimer id DEPRECATED | Squad surplus claimed by: %s1 | true | value_is_account_id | squad_surplus_claimer_account_id_DEPRECATED |
404 | share consumable with patient | Using your Power Up Canteen will apply the same bonus effect to your heal target | false | value_is_additive | share_consumable_with_patient |
405 | airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier | Attrib_AirBlastVerticalVulnerabilityMultipier | false | value_is_percentage | airblast_vertical_vulnerability_multiplier |
406 | vision opt in flags | false | value_is_or | vision_opt_in_flags | |
407 | crit vs disguised players | 100% critical hit vs disguised players | false | value_is_or | or_crit_vs_playercond |
408 | crit vs non burning players | 100% critical hit vs non-burning players | false | value_is_or | or_crit_vs_not_playercond |
409 | kill forces attacker to laugh | On Kill: Burst into joyous laughter | false | value_is_additive | kill_forces_attacker_to_laugh |
410 | damage bonus while disguised | +%s1% damage bonus while disguised | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dmg_disguised |
411 | projectile spread angle penalty | +%s1 degrees random projectile deviation | false | value_is_additive | projectile_spread_angle |
412 | dmg taken increased | %s1% damage vulnerability on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dmgtaken |
413 | auto fires full clip | Hold Fire to load up to three rockets Release Fire to unleash the barrage | false | value_is_additive | auto_fires_full_clip |
414 | self mark for death | You are Marked-For-Death while active, and for short period after switching weapons | false | value_is_additive | self_mark_for_death |
415 | counts as assister is some kind of pet this update is going to be awesome | true | counts_as_assister | ||
416 | mod flaregun fires pellets with knockback | Flare knocks back target on hit and explodes when it hits the ground. Increased knock back on burning players | false | value_is_additive | set_weapon_mode |
417 | can overload | Overloading the chamber will cause a misfire | false | value_is_additive | can_overload |
418 | boost on damage | On Hit: Builds Boost Run speed increased with Boost | false | value_is_additive | boost_on_damage |
419 | hype resets on jump | Boost reduced on air jumps | false | value_is_additive | hype_resets_on_jump |
420 | pyro year number | Witnessed the %s1 inferno | false | value_is_additive | pyro_year_number |
421 | no primary ammo from dispensers while active | No ammo from dispensers when active | false | value_is_additive | no_primary_ammo_from_dispensers |
422 | pyrovision only DISPLAY ONLY | Only visible in Pyroland | false | value_is_additive | pyrovision_only_display |
424 | clip size penalty HIDDEN | true | mult_clipsize | ||
425 | sapper damage bonus | +%s1% sapper damage bonus | false | value_is_percentage | mult_sapper_damage |
426 | sapper damage penalty | %s1% sapper damage penalty | false | value_is_percentage | mult_sapper_damage |
427 | sapper damage leaches health | +%s1 health regenerated per second for each active sapper | false | value_is_additive | sapper_damage_leaches_health |
428 | sapper health bonus | %s1% sapper health bonus | false | value_is_percentage | mult_sapper_health |
429 | sapper health penalty | %s1% sapper health penalty | false | value_is_percentage | mult_sapper_health |
430 | ring of fire while aiming | Creates a ring of flames while spun up | false | value_is_additive | ring_of_fire_while_aiming |
431 | uses ammo while aiming | Consumes an additional %s1 ammo per second while spun up | false | value_is_additive | uses_ammo_while_aiming |
433 | sapper degenerates buildings | Reverses enemy building construction | false | value_is_additive | sapper_degenerates_buildings |
434 | sapper damage penalty hidden | true | mult_sapper_damage | ||
435 | cleaver description | Throw at your enemies to make them bleed! Long distance hits reduce recharge time | false | value_is_percentage | desc_cleaver_description |
436 | ragdolls plasma effect | true | ragdolls_plasma_effect | ||
437 | crit vs stunned players | 100% critical hit vs stunned players | false | value_is_or | or_crit_vs_playercond |
438 | crit vs wet players | 100% critical hit vs wet players | false | value_is_or | crit_vs_wet_players |
439 | override item level desc string | true | override_item_level_desc_string | ||
440 | clip size upgrade atomic | +%s1 clip size | false | value_is_additive | mult_clipsize_upgrade_atomic |
441 | auto fires full clip all at once | Attrib_AutoFiresFullClipAllAtOnce | false | value_is_additive | auto_fires_full_clip_all_at_once |
442 | major move speed bonus | false | value_is_percentage | mult_player_movespeed | |
443 | major increased jump height | false | value_is_percentage | mod_jump_height | |
444 | head scale | Disables double jump | false | value_is_percentage | head_scale |
445 | pyrovision opt in DISPLAY ONLY | On Equip: Visit Pyroland | false | value_is_or | pyrovision_opt_in_display_only |
446 | halloweenvision opt in DISPLAY ONLY | false | value_is_or | halloweenvision_opt_in_display_only | |
447 | halloweenvision filter DISPLAY ONLY | false | value_is_or | halloweenvision_filter_display_only | |
448 | player skin override | true | player_skin_override | ||
449 | never craftable | true | never_craftable | ||
450 | zombiezombiezombiezombie | true | zombiezombiezombiezombie | ||
451 | sapper voice pak | Attrib_Sapper_Voice_Pak | false | value_is_additive | sapper_voice_pak |
452 | sapper voice pak idle wait | Attrib_Sapper_Voice_Pak_Idle_Wait | false | value_is_additive | sapper_voice_pak_idle_wait |
453 | merasmus hat level display ONLY | Killed Merasmus at level %s1 | false | value_is_additive | merasmus_hat_level_display_ONLY |
454 | strange restriction type 1 | true | strange_restriction_type_1 | ||
455 | strange restriction value 1 | true | strange_restriction_value_1 | ||
456 | strange restriction type 2 | true | strange_restriction_type_2 | ||
457 | strange restriction value 2 | true | strange_restriction_value_2 | ||
458 | strange restriction user type 1 | true | strange_restriction_user_type_1 | ||
459 | strange restriction user value 1 | true | strange_restriction_user_value_1 | ||
460 | strange restriction user type 2 | true | strange_restriction_user_type_2 | ||
461 | strange restriction user value 2 | true | strange_restriction_user_value_2 | ||
462 | strange restriction user type 3 | true | strange_restriction_user_type_3 | ||
463 | strange restriction user value 3 | true | strange_restriction_user_value_3 | ||
464 | engineer sentry build rate multiplier | Sentry build speed increased by %s1% | false | value_is_percentage | sentry_build_rate_multiplier |
465 | engineer teleporter build rate multiplier | Increases teleporter build speed by %s1% | false | value_is_percentage | teleporter_build_rate_multiplier |
466 | grenade launcher mortar mode | Cannonballs have a fuse time of 1 second; fuses can be primed to explode earlier by holding down the fire key | false | value_is_additive | grenade_launcher_mortar_mode |
467 | grenade not explode on impact | Cannonballs do not explode on impact | false | value_is_additive | grenade_not_explode_on_impact |
468 | strange score selector | true | strange_score_selector | ||
469 | engineer building teleporting pickup | Alt-Fire: Use %s1 metal to pick up your targeted building from long range | false | value_is_additive | building_teleporting_pickup |
470 | grenade damage reduction on world contact | %s1% damage on contact with surfaces | false | value_is_percentage | grenade_damage_reduction_on_world_contact |
471 | engineer rage on dmg | Generate building rescue energy on damage | false | value_is_additive | generate_rage_on_dmg |
472 | mark for death on building pickup | Self mark for death when hauling buildings | false | value_is_additive | mark_for_death_on_building_pickup |
473 | medigun charge is resists | Press your reload key to cycle through resist types. While healing, provides you and your target with a constant 10% resistance to the selected damage type. | false | value_is_additive | set_charge_type |
474 | arrow heals buildings | Fires a special bolt that can repair friendly buildings | false | value_is_additive | arrow_heals_buildings |
475 | Projectile speed increased HIDDEN | true | mult_projectile_speed | ||
476 | damage bonus HIDDEN | true | mult_dmg | ||
477 | cannonball push back | Cannonballs push players back on impact | false | value_is_additive | cannonball_push_back |
478 | rage giving scale | true | rage_giving_scale | ||
479 | overheal fill rate reduced | %s1% Overheal build rate | false | value_is_percentage | overheal_fill_rate |
481 | canteen specialist | Share Canteens with your heal target +1 duration, -10 price per point (minimum cost: 5) | false | value_is_additive | canteen_specialist |
482 | overheal expert | +25% more overheal, +50% longer duration per point | false | value_is_additive | overheal_expert |
484 | mad milk syringes | Syringes deliver a highly concentrated dose of Mad Milk. Duration increases per hit to a max of 4 seconds. | false | value_is_additive | mad_milk_syringes |
488 | rocket specialist | +15% rocket speed per point. On direct hits: rocket does maximum damage, stuns target, and blast radius increased +15% per point. | false | value_is_additive | rocket_specialist |
489 | SET BONUS: move speed set bonus | +%s1% faster move speed on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_player_movespeed |
490 | SET BONUS: health regen set bonus | +%s1 health regenerated per second on wearer | false | value_is_additive | add_health_regen |
491 | SET BONUS: dmg taken from crit reduced set bonus | +%s1% critical hit damage resistance on wearer | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_dmgtaken_from_crit |
492 | SET BONUS: dmg taken from fire reduced set bonus | +%s1% fire damage resistance on wearer | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_dmgtaken_from_fire |
493 | healing mastery | +25% heal rate for patient, +25% faster revive rate, and +25% self heal rate, per point | false | value_is_additive | healing_mastery |
494 | kill eater 3 | true | kill_eater_3 | ||
495 | kill eater score type 3 | true | kill_eater_score_type_3 | ||
496 | strange restriction type 3 | true | strange_restriction_type_3 | ||
497 | strange restriction value 3 | true | strange_restriction_value_3 | ||
498 | bot custom jump particle | true | bot_custom_jump_particle | ||
499 | generate rage on heal | Build energy by healing teammates. When fully charged, press the Special-Attack key to deploy a frontal projectile shield. | false | value_is_additive | generate_rage_on_heal |
500 | custom name attr | true | custom_name_attr | ||
501 | custom desc attr | true | custom_desc_attr | ||
503 | medigun bullet resist passive | true | medigun_bullet_resist_passive | ||
504 | medigun blast resist passive | true | medigun_blast_resist_passive | ||
505 | medigun fire resist passive | true | medigun_fire_resist_passive | ||
506 | medigun bullet resist deployed | true | medigun_bullet_resist_deployed | ||
507 | medigun blast resist deployed | true | medigun_blast_resist_deployed | ||
508 | medigun fire resist deployed | true | medigun_fire_resist_deployed | ||
509 | medigun crit bullet percent bar deplete | true | medigun_crit_bullet_percent_bar_deplete | ||
510 | medigun crit blast percent bar deplete | true | medigun_crit_blast_percent_bar_deplete | ||
511 | medigun crit fire percent bar deplete | true | medigun_crit_fire_percent_bar_deplete | ||
512 | throwable fire speed | true | throwable_fire_speed | ||
513 | throwable damage | true | throwable_damage | ||
514 | throwable healing | true | throwable_healing | ||
515 | throwable particle trail only | true | throwable_particle_trail_only | ||
516 | SET BONUS: dmg taken from bullets increased | %s1% bullet damage vulnerability on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dmgtaken_from_bullets |
517 | SET BONUS: max health additive bonus | +%s1 max health on wearer | false | value_is_additive | add_maxhealth |
518 | scattergun knockback mult | true | scattergun_knockback_mult | ||
519 | particle effect vertical offset | true | particle_effect_vertical_offset | ||
520 | particle effect use head origin | true | particle_effect_use_head_origin | ||
521 | use large smoke explosion | true | use_large_smoke_explosion | ||
522 | damage causes airblast | false | value_is_additive | damage_causes_airblast | |
524 | increased jump height from weapon | +%s1% greater jump height when active | false | value_is_percentage | mod_jump_height_from_weapon |
525 | damage force increase | %s1% increase in push force taken from damage | false | value_is_percentage | damage_force_reduction |
526 | healing received bonus | +%s1% bonus healing from all sources | false | value_is_percentage | mult_healing_received |
527 | afterburn immunity | Immune to the effects of afterburn | false | value_is_additive | afterburn_immunity |
528 | decoded by itemdefindex | true | decoded_by_itemdefindex | ||
532 | hype decays over time | Hype Decays Over Time | false | value_is_additive | hype_decays_over_time |
533 | SET BONUS: custom taunt particle attr | Extra effects when taunting | false | value_is_additive | custom_taunt_particle_attr |
534 | airblast vulnerability multiplier hidden | true | airblast_vulnerability_multiplier | ||
535 | damage force increase hidden | true | damage_force_reduction | ||
536 | damage force increase text | Increase in push force taken from damage and airblast | false | value_is_percentage | damage_force_reduction |
537 | SET BONUS: calling card on kill | Leave a Calling Card on your victims | false | value_is_additive | calling_card_on_kill |
539 | set throwable type | true | set_throwable_type | ||
540 | add head on hit | Attrib_AddHeadOnHit | false | value_is_additive_percentage | add_head_on_hit |
542 | item style override | true | item_style_override | ||
543 | paint decal enum | true | paint_decal_enum | ||
544 | show paint description | true | show_paint_description | ||
545 | bot medic uber health threshold | true | bot_medic_uber_health_threshold | ||
546 | bot medic uber deploy delay duration | true | bot_medic_uber_deploy_delay_duration | ||
547 | single wep deploy time decreased | This weapon deploys %s1% faster | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_single_wep_deploy_time |
548 | halloween reload time decreased | true | hwn_mult_reload_time | ||
549 | halloween fire rate bonus | true | hwn_mult_postfiredelay | ||
550 | halloween increased jump height | true | mod_jump_height | ||
551 | special taunt | true | special_taunt | ||
554 | revive | Revive Teammates | false | value_is_additive | revive |
556 | taunt attack name | true | taunt_attack_name | ||
557 | taunt attack time | true | taunt_attack_time | ||
600 | taunt force move forward | true | taunt_force_move_forward | ||
602 | taunt mimic | true | taunt_mimic | ||
606 | taunt success sound | true | taunt_success_sound | ||
607 | taunt success sound offset | true | taunt_success_sound_offset | ||
608 | taunt success sound loop | true | taunt_success_sound_loop | ||
609 | taunt success sound loop offset | true | taunt_success_sound_loop_offset | ||
610 | increased air control | %s1% increased air control | false | value_is_percentage | mod_air_control |
612 | rocket launch impulse | Attrib_RocketLaunchImpulse | false | value_is_additive | mod_rocket_launch_impulse |
613 | minicritboost on kill | On Kill: Gain Mini-crits for %s1 seconds | false | value_is_additive | add_onkill_minicritboost_time |
614 | no metal from dispensers while active | No metal from dispensers when active | false | value_is_additive | no_metal_from_dispensers_while_active |
615 | projectile entity name | true | projectile_entity_name | ||
616 | is throwable primable | false | value_is_additive | is_throwable_primable | |
617 | throwable detonation time | false | value_is_additive | throwable_detonation_time | |
618 | throwable recharge time | false | value_is_additive | throwable_recharge_time | |
619 | closerange backattack minicrits | Mini-crits targets when fired at their back from close range | false | value_is_additive | closerange_backattack_minicrits |
620 | torso scale | false | value_is_percentage | torso_scale | |
621 | rocketjump attackrate bonus | Increased attack speed and smaller blast radius while blast jumping | false | value_is_percentage | rocketjump_attackrate_bonus |
622 | is throwable chargeable | false | value_is_additive | is_throwable_chargeable | |
630 | back headshot | Attrib_BackHeadshot | false | value_is_additive | back_headshot |
632 | rj air bombardment | Fires 3 barrages while explosive jumping | false | value_is_additive | rj_air_bombardment |
633 | projectile particle name | true | projectile_particle_name | ||
634 | air jump on attack | true | air_jump_on_attack | ||
636 | sniper crit no scope | Charge and fire shots independent of zoom | false | value_is_additive | sniper_crit_no_scope |
637 | sniper independent zoom DISPLAY ONLY | Zoom does not affect charge | false | value_is_additive | sniper_independent_zoom_DISPLAY_ONLY |
638 | axtinguisher properties | 100% critical hits burning players from behind Mini-crits burning players from the front | false | value_is_additive | axtinguisher_properties |
639 | full charge turn control | Full turning control while charging | false | value_is_additive | charge_turn_control |
640 | parachute attribute | true | parachute_attribute | ||
641 | taunt force weapon slot | true | taunt_force_weapon_slot | ||
642 | mini rockets | true | mini_rockets | ||
643 | rocket jump damage reduction HIDDEN | true | rocket_jump_dmg_reduction | ||
644 | clipsize increase on kill | Clip size increased on kill | false | value_is_additive | clipsize_increase_on_kill |
645 | breadgloves properties | true | breadgloves_properties | ||
646 | taunt turn speed | true | taunt_turn_speed | ||
647 | sniper fires tracer HIDDEN | true | sniper_fires_tracer_HIDDEN | ||
651 | fire rate bonus with reduced health | Fire rate increases as health decreases | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_postfiredelay_with_reduced_health |
661 | tag__summer2014 | Rewarded for participating in the 2014 Summer Adventure | false | value_is_additive | tag__summer2014 |
662 | crate generation code | true | crate_generation_code | ||
669 | stickybomb fizzle time | Stickybombs fizzle %s1 seconds after landing | false | value_is_additive | stickybomb_fizzle_time |
670 | stickybomb charge rate | Max charge time decreased by %s1% | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | stickybomb_charge_rate |
671 | grenade no bounce | Grenades have very little bounce and roll | false | value_is_additive | grenade_no_bounce |
674 | class select override vcd | true | class_select_override_vcd | ||
675 | custom projectile model | true | custom_projectile_model | ||
676 | lose demo charge on damage when charging | Taking damage while shield charging reduces remaining charging time | false | value_is_additive | lose_demo_charge_on_damage_when_charging |
681 | grenade no spin | true | grenade_no_spin | ||
684 | grenade detonation damage penalty | %s1% damage on grenades that explode on timer | false | value_is_percentage | grenade_detonation_damage_penalty |
687 | taunt turn acceleration time | true | taunt_turn_acceleration_time | ||
688 | taunt move acceleration time | true | taunt_move_acceleration | ||
689 | taunt move speed | true | taunt_move_speed | ||
690 | shuffle crate item def min | true | shuffle_crate_item_def_min | ||
691 | shuffle crate item def max | true | shuffle_crate_item_def_max | ||
692 | limited quantity item | true | limited_quantity_item | ||
693 | SET BONUS: alien isolation xeno bonus pos | Increased Melee damage against Isolated Merc Set | false | value_is_additive | alien_isolation_xeno_bonus_pos |
694 | SET BONUS: alien isolation xeno bonus neg | Increased Nostromo Napalmer damage taken from Isolated Merc Set | false | value_is_additive | alien_isolation_xeno_bonus_neg |
695 | SET BONUS: alien isolation merc bonus pos | Increased Nostromo Napalmer damage against Isolationist Pack Set | false | value_is_additive | alien_isolation_merc_bonus_pos |
696 | SET BONUS: alien isolation merc bonus neg | Increased Melee damage taken from Isolationist Pack Set | false | value_is_additive | alien_isolation_merc_bonus_neg |
698 | disable weapon switch | true | disable_weapon_switch | ||
699 | hand scale | false | value_is_percentage | hand_scale | |
700 | display duck leaderboard | true | display_duck_leaderboard | ||
701 | duck rating | Duck XP Level : %s1 | false | value_is_additive | duck_rating |
702 | duck badge level | Duck Power : %s1 / 5 | false | value_is_additive | duck_badge_level |
703 | tag__eotlearlysupport | Early Supporter of End of the Line Community Update | false | value_is_additive | tag__eotlearlysupport |
704 | unlimited quantity hidden | true | unlimited_quantity | ||
705 | duckstreaks active | Duckstreaks Active | false | value_is_additive | duckstreaks_active |
708 | panic_attack | Hold fire to load up to 4 shells | false | value_is_additive | panic_attack |
709 | panic_attack_negative | Weapon spread increases as health decreases | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | panic_attack_negative |
710 | auto fires full clip penalty | false | value_is_additive | auto_fires_full_clip | |
711 | auto fires when full | false | value_is_additive | auto_fires_when_full | |
712 | force weapon switch | true | force_weapon_switch | ||
719 | weapon_uses_stattrak_module | true | weapon_uses_stattrak_module | ||
723 | is_operation_pass | true | is_operation_pass | ||
724 | weapon_stattrak_module_scale | true | weapon_stattrak_module_scale | ||
725 | set_item_texture_wear | true | set_item_texture_wear | ||
726 | cloak_consume_on_feign_death_activate | %s1% cloak meter when Feign Death is activated | false | value_is_percentage | cloak_consume_on_feign_death_activate |
727 | stickybomb_charge_damage_increase | Up to +%s1% damage based on charge | false | value_is_percentage | stickybomb_charge_damage_increase |
728 | NoCloakWhenCloaked | No cloak meter from ammo boxes when invisible | false | value_is_additive | NoCloakWhenCloaked |
729 | ReducedCloakFromAmmo | %s1% cloak meter from ammo boxes | false | value_is_percentage | ReducedCloakFromAmmo |
730 | elevate to unusual if applicable | true | elevate_to_unusual_if_applicable | ||
731 | weapon_allow_inspect | true | weapon_allow_inspect | ||
732 | metal_pickup_decreased | %s1% less metal from pickups and dispensers | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_metal_pickup |
733 | lose hype on take damage | Boost reduced when hit | false | value_is_additive | lose_hype_on_take_damage |
734 | healing received penalty | %s1% less healing from all sources | false | value_is_percentage | mult_healing_received |
735 | crit_vs_burning_FLARES_DISPLAY_ONLY | 100% critical hit vs burning players | false | value_is_or | crit_vs_burning_FLARES_DISPLAY_ONLY |
736 | speed_boost_on_kill | Gain a speed boost on kill | false | value_is_additive | speed_boost_on_kill |
737 | speed_boost_on_hit | On Hit: Gain a speed boost | false | value_is_additive | speed_boost_on_hit |
738 | spunup_damage_resistance | %s1% damage resistance when below 50% health and spun up | false | value_is_percentage | spunup_damage_resistance |
739 | ubercharge overheal rate penalty | %s1% ÜberCharge rate on Overhealed patients | false | value_is_percentage | mult_medigun_overheal_uberchargerate |
740 | reduced_healing_from_medics | %s1% less healing from Medic sources | false | value_is_percentage | mult_healing_from_medics |
741 | health on radius damage | On Hit: Gain up to +%s1 health per attack | false | value_is_additive | add_health_on_radius_damage |
742 | style changes on strange level | true | style_changes_on_strange_level | ||
743 | cannot restore | true | cannot_restore | ||
744 | hide crate series number | true | hide_crate_series_number | ||
745 | has team color paintkit | Team Colored Decorated Weapon | false | value_is_additive | has_team_color_paintkit |
746 | cosmetic_allow_inspect | true | cosmetic_allow_inspect | ||
747 | hat only unusual effect | true | hat_only_unusual_effect | ||
748 | items traded in for | true | items_traded_in_for | ||
749 | texture_wear_default | true | texture_wear_default | ||
750 | taunt only unusual effect | true | taunt_only_unusual_effect | ||
751 | deactive date | true | deactive_date | ||
752 | is giger counter | true | is_giger_counter | ||
753 | hide_strange_prefix | true | hide_strange_prefix | ||
754 | always_transmit_so | true | always_transmit_so | ||
760 | allow_halloween_offering | true | allow_halloween_offering | ||
762 | cannot_transmute | true | cannot_transmute | ||
772 | single wep holster time increased | This weapon holsters %s1% slower | false | value_is_percentage | mult_switch_from_wep_deploy_time |
773 | single wep deploy time increased | This weapon deploys %s1% slower | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_single_wep_deploy_time |
774 | charge time decreased | %s1 sec decrease in charge duration | false | value_is_additive | mod_charge_time |
775 | dmg penalty vs buildings | %s1% damage penalty vs buildings | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dmg_vs_buildings |
776 | charge impact damage decreased | %s1% decrease in charge impact damage | false | value_is_percentage | charge_impact_damage |
777 | non economy | Not Tradable, Marketable, Usable in Crafting, or Gift Wrappable | true | value_is_additive | non_economy |
778 | charge meter on hit | Melee hits refill %s1% of your charge meter | false | value_is_additive_percentage | charge_meter_on_hit |
779 | minicrit_boost_when_charged | Secondary fire when charged grants mini-crits for %s1 seconds | false | value_is_additive | minicrit_boost_when_charged |
780 | minicrit_boost_charge_rate | Dealing damage fills charge meter | false | value_is_additive | minicrit_boost_charge_rate |
781 | is_a_sword | This Weapon has a large melee range and deploys and holsters slower | false | value_is_additive | is_a_sword |
782 | ammo gives charge | Ammo boxes collected also refill your charge meter | false | value_is_additive | ammo_gives_charge |
783 | extinguish restores health | Extinguishing teammates restores %s1 health | false | value_is_additive | extinguish_restores_health |
784 | extinguish reduces cooldown | Extinguishing teammates reduces cooldown by %s1% | false | value_is_percentage | extinguish_reduces_cooldown |
785 | cannot giftwrap | true | cannot_giftwrap | ||
786 | tool needs giftwrap | true | tool_needs_giftwrap | ||
787 | fuse bonus | %s1% fuse time on grenades | false | value_is_percentage | fuse_mult |
788 | move speed bonus shield required | +%s1% faster move speed on wearer (shield required) | false | value_is_percentage | mult_player_movespeed_shieldrequired |
789 | damage bonus bullet vs sentry target | %s1% increased damage to your sentry's target | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dmg_bullet_vs_sentry_target |
790 | mod teleporter cost | %s1% metal cost when constructing or upgrading teleporters | false | value_is_percentage | mod_teleporter_cost |
791 | damage blast push | Attrib_DamageBlastPush | false | value_is_percentage | damage_blast_push |
792 | move speed bonus resource level | true | mult_player_movespeed_resource_level | ||
793 | hype on damage | On Hit: Builds Hype | false | value_is_additive | hype_on_damage |
794 | dmg taken from fire reduced on active | +%s1% fire damage resistance while deployed | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_dmgtaken_from_fire_active |
795 | damage bonus vs burning | %s1% damage bonus vs burning players | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dmg_vs_burning |
796 | min_viewmodel_offset | true | min_viewmodel_offset | ||
797 | dmg pierces resists absorbs | Attacks pierce damage resistance effects and bonuses | false | value_is_additive | mod_pierce_resists_absorbs |
798 | energy buff dmg taken multiplier | +%s1% damage vulnerability while active | false | value_is_percentage | energy_buff_dmg_taken_multiplier |
799 | lose revenge crits on death DISPLAY ONLY | Revenge crits are lost on death | false | value_is_percentage | lose_revenge_crits_on_death_DISPLAY_ONLY |
800 | patient overheal penalty | %s1% maximum overheal on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_patient_overheal_penalty |
801 | item_meter_charge_rate | true | item_meter_charge_rate | ||
804 | mult_spread_scale_first_shot | true | mult_spread_scale_first_shot | ||
805 | unusualifier_attribute_template_name | true | unusualifier_attribute_template_name | ||
806 | tool_target_item_icon_offset | true | tool_target_item_icon_offset | ||
807 | add_head_on_kill | Collect the organs of your victims | false | value_is_additive_percentage | add_head_on_kill |
808 | mult_spread_scales_consecutive | Successive shots become less accurate | false | value_is_additive_percentage | mult_spread_scales_consecutive |
809 | fixed_shot_pattern | Fires a wide, fixed shot pattern | false | value_is_additive | fixed_shot_pattern |
810 | mod_cloak_no_regen_from_items | Attrib_NoCloakFromAmmo | false | value_is_additive | mod_cloak_no_regen_from_items |
811 | ubercharge_preserved_on_spawn_max | Collect the organs of people you hit | false | value_is_additive_percentage | ubercharge_preserved_on_spawn_max |
812 | mod_air_control_blast_jump | %s1% increased air control when blast jumping | false | value_is_percentage | mod_air_control_blast_jump |
813 | spunup_push_force_immunity | Immune to push force from damage and airblast when spun up | false | value_is_percentage | spunup_push_force_immunity |
814 | mod_mark_attacker_for_death | false | value_is_percentage | mod_mark_attacker_for_death | |
815 | use_model_cache_icon | true | use_model_cache_icon | ||
816 | mod_disguise_consumes_cloak | Normal disguises require (and consume) a full cloak meter | false | value_is_additive | mod_disguise_consumes_cloak |
817 | inspect_viewmodel_offset | true | inspect_viewmodel_offset | ||
818 | is_passive_weapon | true | is_passive_weapon | ||
819 | no_jump | true | no_jump | ||
820 | no_duck | true | no_duck | ||
821 | no_attack | true | no_attack | ||
822 | airblast_destroy_projectile | Attrib_AirblastDestroyProjectile | false | value_is_additive | airblast_destroy_projectile |
823 | airblast_pushback_disabled | false | value_is_additive | airblast_pushback_disabled | |
824 | airblast_pushback_no_stun | false | value_is_additive | airblast_pushback_no_stun | |
825 | airblast_pushback_no_viewpunch | false | value_is_additive | airblast_pushback_no_viewpunch | |
826 | airblast_deflect_projectiles_disabled | false | value_is_additive | airblast_deflect_projectiles_disabled | |
827 | airblast_put_out_teammate_disabled | false | value_is_additive | airblast_put_out_teammate_disabled | |
828 | afterburn duration penalty | false | value_is_percentage | afterburn_duration_mult | |
829 | afterburn duration bonus | false | value_is_percentage | afterburn_duration_mult | |
830 | aoe_deflection | false | value_is_additive | aoe_deflection | |
831 | mult_end_flame_size | true | mult_end_flame_size | ||
832 | airblast_give_teammate_speed_boost | false | value_is_additive | airblast_give_teammate_speed_boost | |
833 | airblast_turn_projectile_to_ammo | false | value_is_additive | airblast_turn_projectile_to_ammo | |
834 | paintkit_proto_def_index | false | value_is_additive | paintkit_proto_def_index | |
835 | taunt_attr_player_invis_percent | true | taunt_attr_player_invis_percent | ||
837 | redirected_flame_size_mult | false | value_is_percentage | redirected_flame_size_mult | |
838 | flame_reflect_on_collision | false | value_is_additive | flame_reflect_on_collision | |
839 | flame_spread_degree | false | value_is_additive | flame_spread_degree | |
840 | holster_anim_time | false | value_is_additive | holster_anim_time | |
841 | flame_gravity | true | flame_gravity | ||
842 | flame_ignore_player_velocity | true | flame_ignore_player_velocity | ||
843 | flame_drag | true | flame_drag | ||
844 | flame_speed | true | flame_speed | ||
845 | grenades1_resupply_denied | true | grenades1_resupply_denied | ||
846 | grenades2_resupply_denied | true | grenades2_resupply_denied | ||
847 | grenades3_resupply_denied | true | grenades3_resupply_denied | ||
848 | item_meter_resupply_denied | Spawning and resupply do not affect the Gas meter | false | value_is_additive | item_meter_resupply_denied |
851 | mult_player_movespeed_active | +%s1% faster move speed on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_player_movespeed_active |
852 | mult_dmgtaken_active | %s1% damage vulnerability on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dmgtaken_active |
853 | mult_patient_overheal_penalty_active | %s1% maximum overheal on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_patient_overheal_penalty_active |
854 | mult_health_fromhealers_penalty_active | %s1% health from healers on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_health_fromhealers_penalty_active |
855 | mod_maxhealth_drain_rate | Maximum health is drained while item is active | false | value_is_additive | mod_maxhealth_drain_rate |
856 | item_meter_charge_type | true | item_meter_charge_type | ||
859 | max_flame_reflection_count | true | max_flame_reflection_count | ||
860 | flame_reflection_add_life_time | true | flame_reflection_add_life_time | ||
861 | reflected_flame_dmg_reduction | true | reflected_flame_dmg_reduction | ||
862 | flame_lifetime | true | flame_lifetime | ||
863 | flame_random_life_time_offset | true | flame_random_life_time_offset | ||
865 | flame_up_speed | true | flame_up_speed | ||
866 | custom_paintkit_seed_lo | true | custom_paintkit_seed_lo | ||
867 | custom_paintkit_seed_hi | true | custom_paintkit_seed_hi | ||
868 | crit_dmg_falloff | Critical damage is affected by range | false | value_is_additive | crit_dmg_falloff |
869 | crits_become_minicrits | Minicrits whenever it would normally crit | false | value_is_additive | crits_become_minicrits |
870 | falling_impact_radius_pushback | Push enemies back when you land (force and radius based on velocity) | false | value_is_additive | falling_impact_radius_pushback |
871 | falling_impact_radius_stun | Stun enemies when you land | false | value_is_additive | falling_impact_radius_stun |
872 | thermal_thruster_air_launch | true | thermal_thruster_air_launch | ||
873 | thermal_thruster | true | thermal_thruster | ||
874 | mult_item_meter_charge_rate | %s1% faster recharge rate | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_item_meter_charge_rate |
875 | explode_on_ignite | Ignited enemies explode | false | value_is_additive | explode_on_ignite |
876 | lunchbox healing decreased | %s1% healing effect | false | value_is_percentage | lunchbox_healing_scale |
877 | speed_boost_on_hit_enemy | Gain a speed boost when you hit an enemy player | false | value_is_additive | speed_boost_on_hit_enemy |
878 | item_meter_starts_empty_DISPLAY_ONLY | Gas meter starts empty | false | value_is_additive | item_meter_starts_empty_DISPLAY_ONLY |
879 | item_meter_charge_type_3_DISPLAY_ONLY | Gas meter builds with damage done and/or time | false | value_is_additive | item_meter_charge_type_3_DISPLAY_ONLY |
880 | repair health to metal ratio DISPLAY ONLY | %s1-to-1 health-to-metal ratio when repairing buildings | false | value_is_additive | repair_health_to_metal_ratio_DISPLAY_ONLY |
881 | health drain medic | %s1 health regenerated per second on wearer | false | value_is_additive | add_health_regen |
1000 | CARD: damage bonus | +%s1% damage bonus | false | value_is_percentage | mult_dmg |
1001 | CARD: dmg taken from bullets reduced | +%s1% bullet damage resistance on wearer | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | mult_dmgtaken_from_bullets |
1002 | CARD: move speed bonus | +%s1% faster move speed on wearer | false | value_is_percentage | mult_player_movespeed |
1003 | CARD: health regen | +%s1 health regenerated per second on wearer | false | value_is_additive | add_health_regen |
1004 | SPELL: set item tint RGB | %s1 | false | value_is_from_lookup_table | set_item_tint_rgb_override |
1005 | SPELL: set Halloween footstep type | %s1 | false | value_is_from_lookup_table | halloween_footstep_type |
1006 | SPELL: Halloween voice modulation | Voices from Below | false | value_is_additive | halloween_voice_modulation |
1007 | SPELL: Halloween pumpkin explosions | Pumpkin Bombs | false | value_is_additive | halloween_pumpkin_explosions |
1008 | SPELL: Halloween green flames | Halloween Fire | false | value_is_additive | halloween_green_flames |
1009 | SPELL: Halloween death ghosts | Exorcism | false | value_is_additive | halloween_death_ghosts |
1030 | Attack not cancel charge | true | attack_not_cancel_charge | ||
2000 | recipe component defined item 1 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | dynamic_recipe_component_defined_item | |
2001 | recipe component defined item 2 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | dynamic_recipe_component_defined_item | |
2002 | recipe component defined item 3 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | dynamic_recipe_component_defined_item | |
2003 | recipe component defined item 4 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | dynamic_recipe_component_defined_item | |
2004 | recipe component defined item 5 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | dynamic_recipe_component_defined_item | |
2005 | recipe component defined item 6 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | dynamic_recipe_component_defined_item | |
2006 | recipe component defined item 7 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | dynamic_recipe_component_defined_item | |
2007 | recipe component defined item 8 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | dynamic_recipe_component_defined_item | |
2008 | recipe component defined item 9 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | dynamic_recipe_component_defined_item | |
2009 | recipe component defined item 10 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | dynamic_recipe_component_defined_item | |
2010 | start drop date | false | value_is_date | start_drop_date | |
2011 | end drop date | false | value_is_date | end_drop_date | |
2012 | tool target item | true | tool_target_item | ||
2013 | killstreak effect | Killstreaker: %s1 | false | value_is_killstreakeffect_index | killstreak_effect |
2014 | killstreak idleeffect | Sheen: %s1 | false | value_is_killstreak_idleeffect_index | killstreak_idleeffect |
2015 | spellbook page attr id | true | spellbook_page_attr_id | ||
2016 | Halloween Spellbook Page: Tumidum | Pages of Tumidum: %s1 | false | value_is_additive | tf_halloween_spell_page |
2017 | Halloween Spellbook Page: Gratanter | Pages of Gratanter: %s1 | false | value_is_additive | tf_halloween_spell_page |
2018 | Halloween Spellbook Page: Audere | Pages of Audere: %s1 | false | value_is_additive | tf_halloween_spell_page |
2019 | Halloween Spellbook Page: Congeriae | Pages of Congeriae: %s1 | false | value_is_additive | tf_halloween_spell_page |
2020 | Halloween Spellbook Page: Veteris | Pages of Veteris: %s1 | false | value_is_additive | tf_halloween_spell_page |
2021 | additional halloween response criteria name | true | additional_halloween_response_criteria_name | ||
2022 | loot rarity | true | loot_rarity | ||
2023 | quality text override | true | quality_text_override | ||
2024 | item name text override | true | item_name_text_override | ||
2025 | killstreak tier | Killstreaks Active | false | value_is_additive | killstreak_tier |
2026 | wide item level | true | wide_item_level | ||
2027 | is australium item | true | is_australium_item | ||
2028 | is marketable | true | is_marketable | ||
2029 | allowed in medieval mode | true | allowed_in_medieval_mode | ||
2030 | crit on hard hit | true | crit_on_hard_hit | ||
2031 | series number | true | series_number | ||
2032 | recipe no partial complete | true | recipe_no_partial_complete | ||
2034 | kill refills meter | Melee kills refill %s1% of your charge meter | false | value_is_additive_percentage | kill_refills_meter |
2035 | random drop line item unusual chance | true | |||
2036 | random drop line item unusual list | true | |||
2037 | random drop line item 0 | true | |||
2038 | random drop line item 1 | true | |||
2039 | random drop line item 2 | true | |||
2040 | random drop line item 3 | true | |||
2041 | taunt attach particle index | ★ Unusual Effect: %s1 | false | value_is_particle_index | |
2042 | loot list name | true | |||
2043 | upgrade rate decrease | %s1% slower upgrade rate | false | value_is_inverted_percentage | upgrade_rate_mod |
2044 | can shuffle crate contents | true | |||
2045 | random drop line item footer desc | true | |||
2046 | is commodity | true | |||
2048 | voice pitch scale | true | voice_pitch_scale | ||
2049 | gunslinger punch combo | Third successful punch in a row always crits | false | value_is_additive | gunslinger_punch_combo |
2050 | cannot delete | true | |||
2051 | quest loaner id low | true | |||
2052 | quest loaner id hi | true | |||
2053 | is_festivized | Festivized | false | value_is_additive | is_festivized |
2054 | fire particle blue | true | |||
2055 | fire particle red | true | |||
2056 | fire particle blue crit | true | |||
2057 | fire particle red crit | true | |||
2058 | meter_label | true | |||
2059 | item_meter_damage_for_full_charge | true | item_meter_damage_for_full_charge | ||
2062 | airblast cost scale hidden | true | mult_airblast_cost | ||
2063 | dragons fury positive properties | Deals 300% damage to burning players +50% re-pressurization rate on hit | false | value_is_additive | dragons_fury_positive_properties |
2064 | dragons fury negative properties | -50% repressurization rate on Alt-Fire | false | value_is_additive | dragons_fury_negative_properties |
2065 | dragons fury neutral properties | Uses a shared pressure tank for Primary Fire and Alt-Fire. Primary Fire: Launches a fast-moving projectile that briefly ignites enemies Alt-Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles, and extinguishes teammates that are on fire. | false | value_is_additive | dragons_fury_neutral_properties |
2066 | force center wrap | true | |||
2067 | attack_minicrits_and_consumes_burning | Mini-crits burning targets and extinguishes them. Damage increases based on remaining duration of afterburn Killing blows on burning players grant a speed boost. | false | value_is_additive | attack_minicrits_and_consumes_burning |
2068 | is winter case | true | |||
2069 | freaky fair kritz potion | Kritz Potion | false | value_is_additive | freaky_fair_kritz_potion |
2070 | freaky fair uber potion | Über Potion | false | value_is_additive | freaky_fair_uber_potion |
2071 | freaky fair giant potion | Giant Potion | false | value_is_additive | freaky_fair_giant_potion |
2072 | freaky fair buster potion | Pumpkin Buster Potion | false | value_is_additive | freaky_fair_buster_potion |
2073 | freaky fair healing potion | Healing Potion | false | value_is_additive | freaky_fair_healing_potion |
2074 | freaky fair ghost potion | Ghost Potion | false | value_is_additive | freaky_fair_ghost_potion |
2075 | freaky fair ammo potion | Refill Ammo Potion | false | value_is_additive | freaky_fair_ammo_potion |
2076 | freaky fair rtd potion | `Roll The Dice` Potion | false | value_is_additive | freaky_fair_rtd_potion |
2077 | freaky fair relentless potion | Relentless Potion | false | value_is_additive | freaky_fair_relentless_potion |
2078 | freaky fair extra attrib1 | Extra Freaky Fair Attrib 1 | false | value_is_additive | freaky_fair_extra_attrib1 |
2079 | freaky fair extra attrib2 | Extra Freaky Fair Attrib 2 | false | value_is_additive | freaky_fair_extra_attrib2 |
3000 | item slot criteria 1 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | item_slot_criteria | |
3001 | item in slot 1 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | item_in_slot | |
3002 | item slot criteria 2 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | item_slot_criteria | |
3003 | item in slot 2 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | item_in_slot | |
3004 | item slot criteria 3 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | item_slot_criteria | |
3005 | item in slot 3 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | item_in_slot | |
3006 | item slot criteria 4 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | item_slot_criteria | |
3007 | item in slot 4 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | item_in_slot | |
3008 | item slot criteria 5 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | item_slot_criteria | |
3009 | item in slot 5 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | item_in_slot | |
3010 | item slot criteria 6 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | item_slot_criteria | |
3011 | item in slot 6 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | item_in_slot | |
3012 | item slot criteria 7 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | item_slot_criteria | |
3013 | item in slot 7 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | item_in_slot | |
3014 | item slot criteria 8 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | item_slot_criteria | |
3015 | item in slot 8 | false | visuals_mvm_boss | item_in_slot | |
3016 | quest earned standard points | true | quest_earned_standard_points | ||
3017 | quest earned bonus points | true | quest_earned_bonus_points | ||
3018 | item drop wave | true | item_drop_wave |