2025/03/06 11:54:07 * Started logging for map cp_riverside_b5a 2025/03/06 12:04:07 * Player {Melsei the Derpy Uniroo ([U:1:1614883843]) connected. 2025/03/06 12:04:52 (TEAM) {Melsei the Derpy Uniroo : pcs are for humans not ai 2025/03/06 12:07:27 {Melsei the Derpy Uniroo : YEEEUS 2025/03/06 12:07:49 {Melsei the Derpy Uniroo : Mmmyea pikachu.. you like mels kangaroo cock 2025/03/06 12:07:58 {Melsei the Derpy Uniroo : i bet you do 2025/03/06 12:08:15 {Melsei the Derpy Uniroo : hahahahhah!' 2025/03/06 12:08:20 {Melsei the Derpy Uniroo : GOTTEM 2025/03/06 12:09:34 {Melsei the Derpy Uniroo : so long asshole :P 2025/03/06 12:09:37 * Player {Melsei the Derpy Uniroo ([U:1:1614883843]) disconnected. 2025/03/06 12:16:38 * End of log.